Let me introduce the Staff....
Lo Budjet "LB" Thrillkill : Head Master & Principal.
Date of birth October 31st, 1974.
Hometown Witches Hollow, NC.
Former jobs: Theater attendant, Video clerk, Hearse driver, & Film historian .
Favorite quotes: "Be kind rewind." & " Keep your prints off the disk."
Punka Billie Paige : Personal Assistant, Vice Principal, Modern Horror
Appreciation 101, & Music Department.
Date of birth: Friday May 13th, 1977
Hometown: Banshi Sqwal, FL
Past jobs: Phone sex operator, Disk Jockey, Video clerk, Secretary
Favorite quotes: "FINE!" , "Couldn't hurt", "That's Miss Paige to you."

Annabela Donna : Modern Horror Appreciation 101, Music Department
Date of Birth: December 8th, 1980
Hometown: Sleepy Hollow, New York
Past Jobs: Sex phone operator, Video clerk, Theater concession clerk, and Clerk
in a music store
Favorite quotes: "Bite Me!", & " Deal with it"
Grim "The Ghost Gamer" Reaper : Video Game Arts, Music Department,
Population Control
Date of Birth: ??????
Hometown: Earth
Past Jobs: Population control
Favorite quotes: "Been there killed that", & "Better than the Black Plague."
Athletic Director: Always Looking??